5-10-14 by dave

A late afternoon snow squall yesterday left another dose of goodness on the dance floor to greet the morning crew.  The Groomers were offering a velvet Winter feel for the first two hours that made back to back Trams fast and fun.  The Sunday Cliffs opened up where boot top deep frosting was on tap for those who made the long traverse to get the goods.  Here is a shot of one of the prime drops that my buddy Dave sent to me, with one of the glimpses of Sun to light the line.  I was just behind him on the Traverse and got the drop further down the line.  It was so sweet and spreadable that I just could not believe the quality this late in the Spring.  But, this is the Promise of the Wasatch after all.  The quality began to deteriorate as the ambient temps warmed up a bit, and the visibility began to be obscured with clouds moving up the Canyon.  Tomorrow, look for another impulse to move into the Front as the flow is still active and is predicted to bring some more of the goods.  I expect quite a crowd to be on hand to enjoy the last day of the full time operation, so get there early for the best of the day and stay for the festivities on the deck.  The hill is still in great shape, and with all the recent snow that has been added, many shots that were sketchy just last week are back in the mix.  See you there for the first Boat!!! IBBY!!-53

2 Responses to “MORE FRESHNESS”

  1. Michael Stahler says:

    You were right this morning on that first tram ride, Dave, it was VERY GOOD. Great to have you at the ‘Bird!

  2. George L. Lewis, IV says:

    It is lonely at the top…but the view is best…especially at the Bird!

    Dick Bass wrote the following in connection with his Seven Summits adventure:

    “From My Perspective

    The feats of this story
    To gain self, not glory,
    Recount and adventure
    Which spurned man’s indenture.

    It’s the fabric of life,
    Full of pleasure and strife;
    Woven with hopes and fears,
    Much laughter, some tears.

    At times grueling, even boring brother,
    Keeping one step in front of the other;
    But know beyond any doubt
    That’s what success is all about.”

    Thank you Dick for helping make Snowbird a great mind. body, spirit ski and summer resort!

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