5-07-15 by dave

A few new inches of frosting covered the dance floor for today’s festivities.  Though the sky was overcast, the visibility was good, and that allowed the fresh lines to be navigated on the off trail terrain, which was the place to be.   The pack had not frozen again, and the consistency was a bit thick, but very smooth.  Traffic was quite light, so it took quite a while for the lines to be worked over.  I was able to ski the far reaches that have been off my radar for most of the season, but now offered some slow motion turns that were a nice topping for the season ending days.  Here is a shot of Monte Christo and the North side of the Canyon covered in the fresh dusting from the overnight deluge.  DSC02882The machine worked sections were slow to thaw out, with the break hitting around Noon, but that was when the storm clouds moved in, dumping some very intense grauple.  Tomorrow, look for some more accumulation from the continuing impulses that are moving through.  The accumulation will only be on the upper mountain, with the lower elevations getting rain or very small accumulations.   Staying up high is the best call to get the most out of the hill before the limited terrain gets worked over. DSC02884 On my run to the bottom of the hill, I ran into the Chinese Master at the top of Big Emma.  We were the only ones on the hill at that point and we discussed the span of the past that these mountains represent, and the far future that stands in front of us.  It was nice to share that solitary moment of NOW with such a Sage.  See you there for the morning explorations.  Stay Frosty!!

One Response to “MORE FROSTING”

  1. Marie says:

    I love the Chinese Master.

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