2-04-12 by dave

Well, if it is not going to snow, it might as well be sunny, and sunny it was all day today.  There was an East wind blowing, which probably kept the Temps. form rising too much, but it did not seem strong enough to do any real transport.  The pack continues to get firmer by the day, but there are still smooth lines to access, without having to get into the bumps, unless that is your thing.  Gad 2 is getting quite worked over, with the interference pattens growing continually.  In those bump troughs will be found those roots and rocks, that had been covered until recently.  I have been hitting more rocks than before the new snow came, because I have been working further off trail from time to time, but that goes with the territory.  Tomorrow, look for continued sunny skies, and temps. in the seasonally cool range, so dress accordingly.   I kind of dressed down yesterday afternoon, finding

Wild Wind

myself suddenly under dressed.  I guess that goes to show how the Sun factor  can throw off your best estimations.  You can take it off, but you can’t put it on if you don’t have it.   Doh!!!   The Cirque Traverse is beginning to show the ravages of traffic, so be cautious as you traverse it, especially out toward the middle section where the wind gets it.  Conditions are still looking good overall, but more snow would help things out, however, the next stretch looks dry.  Sharpen up!!!  Here is a shot of some wind scoured sculpting.  These formations are so compelling.  Peace Out!!

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