4-30-13 by dave


It was cold, dismal, windy, and very firm this morning with light snow falling.  I was woefully under dressed for the conditions, thinking that the 31Degree peak temp would let me get a way with just sunglasses.  No way.    Mineral Basin was already corned up, despite the cold.  Peruvian Gulch had fair tooth top to bottom, but needed some time to thaw a bit.  The Gad Side was really frozen solid, making it very tricky if you ventured there in the early hours.  The Sun began to break out at 11:00AM, which helped mitigate the cold and begin to  soften the dance floor.  Regulator took until 2:00PM to even begin to show signs of softening, but lower down on Big Emma, the corn goodness was delivering the goods. I lapped the West side just to get the sweetness of the lower mountain that I pretended was an out of bounds spectacular.  It was still cold as I left, but the lower sections of the hill were getting thick, though not in the least sticky. Nice!!  Tomorrow, look for much colder weather as a cold front moves through, bringing some precipitation and high winds.  It could be a very interesting day to say the least. Look for the low angle aspects for the best ride, as the firmness factor is sure to be pegged solidly for most of the day.  Here is a shot of the clearing over the Valley from the peak on the first Tram.  The Sun was a welcome addition to the day.  See you tomorrow for the early runs.  Be sure to dress for a Winter day.   Peace Out!!

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