5-06-14 by dave

It was brisk on the peak this morning as the day started out with the Sun shining.  Somehow the weather that was predicted was delayed, leaving the dance floor clean and green.  Mineral Basin was  offering untracked corduroy that had a 2” sorbet feel that was smooth and sumptuous.  Lupine Loop also was offering back country smooth lines that kept me going back for more of the goods.  On the front of the hill, the aspects needed a bit more time to break, but it did not take long for the corn goodness to develop, with ground pounding fun top to bottom.   Clouds began to move up from the South around Noon, and the snow became a bit more soggy.  I bailed as there were some rain drops beginning to make and appearance as the cloud began to drop.   What a perfect morning to experience some very nice spring conditions before we move into the weather that is on the door step.  Tomorrow, look for the weather to have moved in, with wind and precipitation for the next couple of days.  Stay with the known smooth lines as the off trail may be a bit gnarly if the freeze does not break, and there is no telling if it will break at all.  Coverage is still good, with only some pebbles cropping up in the Cat Tracks in just a few spots.  Here is a shot of the first signs of the return of the Essence to the Big Cycle.  Here, it has moved from the snow stage to the water stage and then, once again, to yet another solid stage before beginning the long trip back to the Cycle.  Pretty amazing when you think about it.  Stay Frosty!!DSC02106

One Response to “MORNING GOODNESS”

  1. Bill Crisafulli says:

    Hey Dave, this video from Whistler really shows the Big Cycle very nicely.

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