3-18-10 by dave

Bright sunshine lit the sky this Thursday morning, surprising me as I thought I would find overcast and dismal conditions.  The North facing Groomers were still splendid with soft chalky consistency courtesy of the grooming crew, who pushed the outside of the borders to bring up the winter cold snow.   There was top to bottom freshness with only 200 vertical feet of crust at the very bottom to contend with.  Mineral Basin was offering wide open groomers with great lines and very light Traffic.   A light breeze and cool temps did not stop the radiant heat of the Sun from softening the frozen crud, which became soft and carve-able by 12:30 PM.  The West facing shots were not recommended and still had not broken when the temperature began to drop with the arrival of the cold front and the associated clouds that moved in rapidly.  The Free Ride contest was being held on West Baldy and I felt for the competitors who had to deal with very crusty conditions.  I kept revisiting the Peruvian lines, that offered the best runs of the day.  Lower Primrose Path was re buffed for the coming race event, with back lit sunshine and a line of winter chalk down the spine.  MMM MMM good!!!.  Extensive re- tilling had been done to the intermediate runs to provide more traction and options from the otherwise bullet proof freeze.  That feature was a welcome relief coming out of Mark Malu Fork onto the lower Gad Valley, where access to the bottom was no problem at all, though it still required your full attention.  The Rain is sounding on the trailer as I write, bringing an indeterminate amount of snow for tomorrow.   Though the forecast is not encouraging for any significant accumulation, I am holding the vision of a surprise dump.   I think the Universe will oblige if we all get behind the concept, so think deep, think your most excellent ideas, Lets see what will happen.  OK, I am down with that!!! How about You??  REPEAT. OON-YAHLIMAN   OON- YAHLIMAN.   There that ought to do it.   END TRANSMISSION

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