11-24-10 by dave


After all the hype about the BIG BLIZZARD, you would have thought that the snow would have been super deep.  Fortunately, the snow installment was just perfect for the day.  The mountain opened promptly and great snow had been carefully placed on the hill by the wind.  The hollow western exposures had been filled in as the storm approached, making them much more accessible than previous days.  The Peruvian side of the hill had been a bit more wind affected, with a bit of a wind slab to deal with.  The new wide skis were ticket as they make short work of those challenging condition’s.  There was a fair crowd that moved  quickly through the maze.  More lifts opened up, helping to disperse the crowd and keep the ball rolling.  The Cirque Traverse still has some surprises along the way, so be wary of the stray snag or rock pile.  Some of the lower traverses still sport thin areas where scree piles are exposed, that can grab you and pull a piece of bottom out.  Over all the conditions are really incredible for this time of the year. I had a feeling that the cycle would kick in early…. I don’t know why.  After Noon, the sun came out and shone a new light on the situation.  The previously ignored sections were suddenly visible, and the quick were able to get some delightful freshies very late in the day.   Thank You.  I love it when you can go get a line and there is no one to push you into the line.  I love to look at the snow and the beauty of it.  Here is a photo of the choke point under the Gad chutes.  It is still a touch thin, but the apron was supreme, with very little traffic late in the day. Bonus!!!  The Upper entrance into Great Scott benefited greatly from the recent wind direction, getting filled in much more solidly than it was just the other day.  Things change fast, so I will keep you posted as conditions change.  The continued cold temps will preserve the quality going into tomorrow, so you can expect great skiing for your Turkey Day.  See you in the AM. Ciao!!!

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