5-14-11 by dave

It was sunny and warm this morning as I got on the second chair going up the hill.  The Grooming crew had done a nice job preparing the usual sections on the front of the hill, with the addition of a rarity that I left for later.  Mineral Basin was soft to start out, but the off trail needed just a few more minutes before the off trail became creamy enough to charge the lines.  It was not going to last long back there, as there was no real freeze at all.  The Grooming back there was beautiful, but not too extensive.  The West facing had set up enough that it was going to take until Noon to break.  Once again, following the Sun was the way to get the best of the day.  There is some medium amplitude interference patterns developing in some of the heavily traveled sections, with some very well defined single lines, which is put in by  a very dedicated bump meister.  It is hard to miss, but it is also being enjoyed by others, who also enjoy this particular cadence.  The clouds began to start moving in around Noon, holding back the inevitable stickiness by obscuring  the Sun’s direct rays, but the green house effect finally took over, achieving that glue factor.  I tried some of that BOGOZ SNOT WAX, which seemed to alleviate some of the drag.  The thunder storms moved in around 2:30 PM., with a shut down due to lightning at 2:30 PM., ending the fun for the day.  Tomorrow, look for another great day of spring sliding, and get there early for the best options. Remember to follow the Sun around the dial to get every bit the hill has to offer.  See you there early.   IBBY!!

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