2-28-11 by dave

The remaining areas, that had been held off for control work, opened today for the faithful who were on hand to partake of the promise of the day.  The higher density, in combination with some wind effect, created some frosting like carvaciousness that was rapidly worked over by the adept attendees.  The exotic trees offered the deepest feeling, as it was not worked as hard by the wind.  The wind was also working the off trail, filling and smoothing the dance floor, though there was still some low amplitude interference to contend with, but it did not detract from the creamy sweetness.  The Groomers were velvet smooth, with the fresh working of Upper Primrose Path being the highlight, and both sides of the nose prepared for fun.   The left side of that shot has that half pipe contour that follows the fall line all the way to the flats.   Oh Yeah, that is fun in the first degree!!!  In some of the very heavily traveled shots, the interference pattern built up significantly, so for those so inclined, those shots will challenge the most enthusiastic rumblemiester, with soft, no ice, amplitude.   The Sun was partially shrouded by some high cloudiness, which helped to preserve the South facing aspects, though there is some distinct stiffening on those exposures .   Tomorrow, look for the Groomers to be perfect, with the off trail getting some additional filling by the wind.  Also look for some additional Cat work to have been added to the mix.  Here is a shot of the results from the control work out in Mineral Basin.  You can only imagine how incredible that slide looked as it came out with the shot.  Zoom in on the crown and try and guess how deep it is!!!  Yeowza!!   I will see you there for the first Boat!!   Ciao!!!


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