4-27-16 by dave

The rain that was pounding the Trailer all night long translated into a significant dump of high density Essence.  Clear skies, pleasant temps., and 16” of fresh drew a full response from the Faithful who were on hand and waiting for the opening.  With all the water in the snow delivered over the last few days, the control work took quite a while to get the hill ready.  It was not unit 10:30AM before the opening bell sounded.  With the Sun on the new snow, and the high density, the quality as a bit thick.  As the warmth worked the pack, the manky factor was being felt quickly.  The higher elevations fared a bit better, with late Spring face shots blowing up.   Here is a shot of the Snowbird Subaru covered in the benchmark coating that was resident up high.DSC03803There was lots of slide activity with the control work and some big slides were evident, especially on the Peruvian side of the hill, which is now closed.  Here is a shot of Lower Silver Fox DSC03807looking about as fat as it has all season. We will have to wait until next season to revisit this pitch, but it is not going anywhere, so not to worry.  Tomorrow, look for some more precipitation to be occurring overnight with more unsettled weather still upstream.  The hill will be offering some better options after all this cover, as the off trail seems to have improved quite a bit in just a day.  Still, be on the lookout for unseen variations.  See you for the morning offerings.  Straight Ahead!!

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