7-01-14 by dave

After spending some serious time studying the Emerald Tablets that are housed deep in the Earth, which  is a days hike from the Trailer’s undisclosed location in the High Desert, and conferring with leaders of the Lyrian System, as well as the Andromedan Council, I needed to get back to the Hill to recenter.   While there is still snow on the slopes, the hiking trails are freeing up, along with the newly created Mountain Biking trails.  It won’t be long until the Wild Flowers are blooming all over the hill.  Here are some shots of the remaining snow pack that is still holding on.  DSC02193DSC02197The pack is still making it’s way back to the Big Cycle, but it will be hanging on a bit longer yet.  Up on the peak, excavation has begun on the new peak facility that will be built over these next two years.  I will be excited to see how it shapes up.  All of the activities at the Base are in full swing, with a lot of families taking advantage of the cool clean air.  Today was a technicolor day, with super blue skies that were unmarred by high altitude aerosol geo engineering, which is always a problem for all of us.  Here is a shot of the beginning of the excavation happening up on the Peak.   No matter the season, it is great to soak up the  energy that is oozing out of the hill at all times.  I will be returning to the High Desert again for further study and sojours to Deep Space, but that is where I live.  Don’t forget the Saturday night free concerts that are happening every week, where great bands are bringing some great sounds to the Canyon.  Ciao for NOW!!DSC02198

One Response to “PEAK VIEWS”

  1. M.J. says:

    It’s nice to see a blue bird day, they are so rare. Hope they…? know what they are doing. Thanks D.P. You are the best! Mark

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