The weather was perfect today out ahead of a change coming in the week ahead. Blue bird skies ruled and the warmer temps made it feel like spring. The High North aspects still are holding the cold and have not yet been affected by the increasing temps. Wide open Groomers were on tap for the early risers, who got to enjoy that untracked corduroy. Only those due South and West faces had seen the Sun and had that frozen kitty litter feel that made holding and edge a challenge.
Tomorrow, look for more warming as the South wind begins to kick in ahead of the weather. Those South and West faces will be interesting, however, the Grooming efforts make them much more dialable, especially for those first tracks runs. I expect fair traffic, so get there early for the emptiest lines of the day. There are still plenty of smooth lines to be found off trail if you look. See you there for the morning goodness!! Speed Safely!!