12-27-17 by dave

The temps were balmy on the peak this morning, with still air and very nice machine work top to bottom. The corduroy was holding up nicely, and the light traffic made the runs wide open. With Gad 2 open now, there are a lot more options, which spreads the crowd out over the hill. Back to back laps were the order of the day as the consistency kept the stoke high. Later in the morning, the Peruvian Gulch opened for the first time of the season. The mountain crew did a nice job getting it ready for the public and the cover on the prepared areas was excellent. I checked out upper Silver Fox on that rope drop and found soft but variable consistency off the prepared lines. I bailed to the switch backs to avoid the lower section where I hit the gut sections to find the deeper lines thus avoiding unseen features. Snow guns were working full on top to bottom and the Gun Powder underneath them was very nice and felt good under foot. Here is a shot of the lower middle Cirque shining in the Sun. Tomorrow, look for more man made efforts to make the early runs fun and fast. With the Peruvian Gulch open, there is a lot more terrain to add to the mix. I will be staying close to the prepared runs while we wait for more snow. Top to bottom laps will be good to go again and light traffic will make the hill feel like a private resort. Here is a parting shot of Makayla, who is back for another season. It was great to see her so stoked and ready to rock the hill. Be there for the morning session and the corduroy goodness. Stay Frosty!!

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