3-01-11 by dave

A beautiful Blue Bird day was on tap for the folks who made their way to the hill today.  Brisk morning air, and light wind, kept the temps low until around Noon, when the Sun started warming things up.  I was able to trade out coats and ski in sunglasses all afternoon.  Though there was a spring like feel, the snow remained full on winter, with the overnight wind filling in the rumble with soft carvelicious transported Essence.  The Upper Cirque was looking very smooth and inviting, but there was very little traffic visiting the aspect.  As anticipated, the Grooming Crew did an outstanding job preparing one of the lower mountain jewels, that held up all day to the lure of the smooth.  Many folks tells me how much they like the Interference patterns, but mow a big mountain shot and see what happens; Traffic, Traffic, Traffic.   Hmmmm! Fortunately the smooth held up, replete with the shavings build up, giving it the Ultra Satin finish.   Truly, every one loves the BIG MOUNTAIN SMOOTH…. don’t lie to me!!!  Off trail, where the wind had not reached, the product has set up a bit, becoming stiff, though not unapproachable.  Tomorrow, look for more of the satin smooth Groomers to get started on, and look around for some lines to address a bit later.  Mineral Basin had some very nice North facing shots that stayed smooth all day, with the low traffic not working it over to any great extent.  There is some weather moving into the region, so there might be some overcast issues, but we will deal with that as it arises.   Here is a shot of Old Reliable I took while driving by today.  It does not look as steep as it is, but it certainly looks as good as is.   See you on the Bucket.  Peace Out!!!


2 Responses to “PICTURE PERFECT”

  1. Darren says:

    Hey Guru Dave, I’m an avid skier and Snowbird lover that lives in Souther California. We get up to Snowbird several times a year following the Blower Storms. I know the mountain pretty well but cannot figure out where “Old Reliable” is? Looks like it may be off the Peruvian side of the Cirque? It’s not the Gad Valley side of the Cirque, doesn’t look like anything in Mineral Basin….maybe the Book Ends? Well anyways, just wondering.
    Thanks for the great blogs. Really enjoy following the hill and snow conditions everyday at the best resort in Northern America.

  2. dave says:

    Old Reliable is the shot above Mark Malu out in Little Cloud. If you get to the end of the Cat Track, just look up and you will see how magnificent it is!!!

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