1-11-16 by dave

It was a post card picture perfect day today, with blue skies, smooth groomers, and light traffic to greet the folks who turned out.  Mineral Basin was offering stellar Groomer lines, and the off trail was offering dry chalky crud that was demanding, but still felt Winter fresh.  There is a wide spread rumble to deal with, and

deepening troughs in the high traffic interference patterns that make you pay attention.  I was opting for the smooth arcing carpets that just kept me lapping the lines for more perfection.  A new line was worked over for today’s festivities, and here is a shot DSC03387 of Lower Silver Dipper on the right there looking rip roaring ready for fun.  There were few folks out there early, and the brisk wind was transporting some nice fluff to cover the dance floor.  I did not see much in the way of long threads building yet, but there were sections of real Studio velvet here and there.  The trees are getting a lot of traffic and you will find deep interference patters wide spread in those areas.   Still, there are many smooth natural lines to find, but you will have to look a bit. DSC03395 Here is a shot of the Red Stallion from Australia, who was experiencing Snowbird for the first time, and was getting some seriously great turns out in the Lewis and Clark adventure area.  I know he had a great time because it was so good out there.   All that early season training is paying off these days now that you can trust your turns to hold when you dial it up.  Tomorrow, look for more great cruising on the perfect carpets that are prepared every night, continued cold temps., and more Sun to keep the visibility technicolor bright.  Off trail is fun indeed, but will make you pay close attention.  Most aspects are skiing dry and chalky. DSC03396  I leave you with this great shot of Norm and Mara from Connecticut, who were really enjoying their time on the hill.  Norm reads this report everyday to keep up to date.  It was great to meet them and hear their stoke about the day.  See you tomorrow for the wide open, hard charging lines.  Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!

2 Responses to “PICTURE PERFECT”

  1. Tom and Betty says:


    Great to see you getting known to the flock – getting the visage out there!

    Soon the westward ho.


  2. alisa proudfoot says:

    Hey Dave-I’ve been coming to the Bird, week 3, for 12 years now. I always look to your report for help on where to go, I even own your book – but, I’m still having a hard time interpreting your report – maybe a glossary of terms would be helpful? I’m a late 70’s kid, so I’m sure I’m missing something in translation. I’d like to think I’ve got it, but apparently I don’t. Maybe us Tahoe kids just didn’t get the linguisitics lesson.
    Anyway, thanks, appreciate what you do – it helps me head in the right direction. Maybe I’ll see you on the hill next week, somewhere.
    Less is more – that’s my mantra, even for adjectives.

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