3-14-15 by dave

Yes, today was PI Day, 3.1415, which I spent working out the math of the convoluted torus thread that I have been following.  Curiously, it works in nicely with the ski thing as we continue to move from bottom to top and back again.  Why do we do this? Just to find the truth of it I guess.  Up on the hill, it was another beautiful day, though some very high clouds seemed to take some of the sting out of the direct rays that were being directed on the hill.  The hill is still in great shape as the snow making efforts earlier in the season have given those very exposed spots plenty of material for the Cat Crew to work with. On the front of the hill, the break was still going to take a while and those early morning lines were going to be crispy.  Here is a shot of the Alta border crossing seen before the Alta lifts opened. DSC02679 Neil always likes to get a jump on the Alta untracked corduroy before the Alta folks get a chance to mare the finish.  Tomorrow, look for an even warmer day as the South wind continues to blow as weather changes are in the offing for next week.  Look for the Groomers to be the place to look for the smooth lines, with Mineral Basin getting the early Sun shining and warming the pack.  Look for those Groomers out there to be offering the goods for the first couple of hours while the front of the hill warms up and gets some traction on those firm lines.  I am looking forward to dialing in some smooth lines for the morning session.  Be there for the fun.  Peace Out!!

One Response to “PIE DAY”

  1. marie says:

    The Pi detail is a cool one. Math is a safe place. As is the resort. But I still wear a beacon ALWAYS. As the laws of physics have many variables that we cannot always know.

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