2-16-13 by dave

Today was a picture Postcard day with bright unobstructed Sun, soft snow of recent application, perfect Groomers to rip on, and a full pallet of hill to work as you color your day with turns.  The Groomers were off the chart carvacious, with the consistency getting better with each till of the slope.  Off trail has become better in the ride department as the last installment was denser and cushioned the ride. There is still some serious crunch on the South facing aspects as the Sun is beginning to bring some of that heat to the product, so the crunch is a given. Everything else is still soft, but the worked base features are still reflecting though, so dial in your best averaging turns to smooth the line.  More weather is in the forecast, though it does not seem like it is going to bring much accumulation until later next week.  Still use some caution on the Cirque traverse as there has been quite a bit of traffic, and the washboard has built back in.  There might be a bit of overcast tomorrow to throwDSC01297 off the visibility a bit, but the hill remains in great shape. Here is another shot of perfection waiting for the opening.  Nice!!!  IBBY!!

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