12-10-15 by dave

There was two feet of wind this morning as the approaching weather system pulled the air up into the Low.  The first ride up the Tram was very entertaining as the wind shook, twisted, and swayed the car.  It was a very strange sensation.  Needless to say, that was the last trip of the morning and I made a hasty retreat to the Forklift Chair to assess the options for the day.  The hill was extra firm as the wind had scoured very thing that was not nailed down. There was a bit of spauling on the Cat Tracks as the wind hammered the ledge rock on the side of the path.  The Cat Crew had done some tenderizing passes to offer a bit of purchase on those steep sections and that made the difference.  I took a Gad 2 lap after breakfast just to see how that side of the hill was holding up and found more firmness top to bottom.  With the warm temps., Snow Making has not been ongoing and those sections of softness are absent.   Tomorrow, look for accumulation and storm conditions to be the order of the day.  It is raining here at the Trailer as I write this, so up on the hill that translates into fresh Essence.  Look for variability to on tap, so be prepared for inconsistent lines.  Stick to the Fat off trail sections if you are looking afield, but I am still sticking with the solid base that has been established by the Snow Guns. DSC03264 Here is a shot of the Snow Goddess Aetheria who was holding the balance on the Tram during the high wind ascent up the cables.  It is great to have her here ushering in the new, and much needed installment of Essence.  Think deep thoughts.  Stay Frosty!!

One Response to “POUNDING WIND”

  1. Matt says:

    Look forward to seeing you tomorrow, on our annual boys trip. This year we have our sons with us on their first ski west adventure! Hope it keeps snowing! Keep the great intel coming!

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