1-08-14 by dave

4 or 5 inches of freshness graced the hill to the delight of the low first Tram turn out.  Dr. Pepper arrived today and brought the promised prescription.  Here is a shot of the good Dr. saluting the day with a fresh can of the bubbly.  Visibility was an issue with snow falling throughout the day.  The low angle lines were the best of the day as it cushioned the ride, making the turns quiet.  Out on the far reaches, the quiet let you hear your own heart beat it seamed.  The front of the hill was hit quickly, despite the low turnout, and the fresh installment began to pile up just short of turning into harbor chop.   A cautious approach to the turns, with a long duration arc helped average the variations.   The High North was improving quickly, though the entrances continue to be an issue.  The bottom will continue to be in play for the next while, so expect to be bounced around if you hit the interference patterns with any heat.  This situation will mellow as we get more of the Essential Material as the week moves along.  Tomorrow, look for a bit more accumulation during the day,  welcome cushion covering the old layer, and perhaps the opening of some of the areas that were closed today.  It will be worth a look around for more lines to be going off after a long stretch of avoiding those spots due to the hard pack.  It will be nice to change things up a bit.  I will be working some of the traverses I have been avoiding and give you the low down first hand.  Thanks Doc for bringing the goods.   Peace Out!!!DSC01732

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