12-04-11 by dave


It was quite cold this morning on a lightly dusted surface, light, micro flake snow, and a foggy haze which required a sense of inner radar to supplement the marginal visibility.  The fresh snow from yesterday had been tilled into the mat, leaving the consistency reliable, though there are some slick spots that are cropping up here and there.  As the morning wore on a low amplitude chatter developed, something like prop wash.  It just tries to knock you down if you get going too fast sideways.  Proper respect of these quick variations will prevent a Pig On Ice moment.  Of course, I have recently experienced just such the moment, having the possibilities and consequences of “Failure To Negotiate” the surprise section fly  through my mind as I scrambled to readjust the force field!!  Expecting the unexpected is half the battle, and in that light that is a non metallic edge!!!  It is snowing here at the Trailer as I write this, so tomorrow should be offering some very nice laps, with little traffic to deal with.  Though the cover is minimal, the overall fun factor is still right up there.  It is great to get acclimated before we get hammered, to be able to take the stamina to the line when it is required, and you are digging deep on the lower 1000′ .   We will have to see about the visibility, at least you can totally trust the machine work.   Nice!!!   See you there dark and early!!!  Ciao!!   P.S.  Many folks have been asking about The Chef, wondering if he is an alter ego, a dimensional chimera, or a real Chef.  Well here is a shot of his Chefaciouness, with a gesture of unmitigated enthusiasm during last season’s pounding.  This individual taught me everything I know about Saute!!!

One Response to “RADAR VISION”

  1. Andy says:


    You asked Chad and me to throw a post up here and you’d link us to some of your alien-related and physics readings.

    Hope we run into each other more frequently, that was a great conversation.


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