1-03-10 by dave

Sunday morning was a sunny morning, though it did not start out that way.   I was fortunate to have been invited on the 8:15 AM. Early Car to get a jump on the day. The bottom of the hill was shrouded in fog, indicating that visibility would be a challenge.  The top of the hill was fogged in as well, but as we dropped the first 200′ into Mineral basin we were treated to a blue bird day in the back bowl.  The Groomers were to die for with perfect carve-ability covered in a fine layer of rhime ice. One gentleman, who had never been to The Bird was totally amazed and commented on how lucky we all were to have this conditions.  He was not able to imagine that it does indeed get better, though not more perfect. Perfect is as perfect is.  It is just a matter of degree.  I took a couple of runs on the off trail areas finding soft snow overall with just a hint of grabbiness due to the variable densities that have graced us in the past few days.  The Ski-ability is improving by the day making more terrain good to go .  There still remains those pesky spots, such as entrances and break overs to keep you guessing, but over all the conditions are very good. A high pressure ridge is building in for this week, with the inversion layer a given.  Watch for the Black Ice in the lower canyon as it has sent many off into the snowbank, which is quite evident up and down the canyon if you watch for it.  Tomorrow will feature goovalicious groomers and more sunshine  to kick the New Year into gear.  This time of year is special as all aspects stay cold and soft despite the sun.  These few short weeks are the window for that feature, making me pay attention to every day.  Join me on the First Boat in the AM. for some high speed Rock and Roll, and it might even be a Wing day, who knows.  I am sure the traffic will be light!! See you then.

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