12-06-11 by dave

It was a full throttle morning, with much warmer temps on the peak for first Tram.  The Groomers were velvet smooth for the first hour, and good to go for a full fall line assault.  The Sun is taking longer and longer to light up Regulator as we get closer the Shortest day of the year.  The snow making has really been great, and with the opening of the Wilbre Chair, skiing the Gun Powder  on the lower mountain is very nice indeed.  You will want to be cautious going into the new area as the significant terrain features are still well defined, presenting some rather abrupt changes, so be aware.  The dry air, cold temps, and well tended snow making has really made every day a pleasure.   Tomorrow, look for continued sweet turns.  Smoothness is holding up all day, but the glaze is still coming through for the afternoon session.  I was just aiming for the dust piles, bleeding speed off in a non committal manner.  What with trashed edges, trying to lock them up is futile, though a well executed schmooze turn is definitely acceptable.  Be there early for the high energy morning session.   Ciao!!

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