2-21-17 by dave

The Trailer was rockin’ all night long in the pounding wind, and I knew that the Snow Gods were putting the touches on the hill to make it as smooth as can be top to bottom.  Up on the hill, the wind was big, loud, and moving the product in perfect wind buffed lines that were supportable yet velvety.   The Tram was down, and the Peruvian Chair was delayed, so a Gad 2 excursion offered great tree lines that were getting filled in rapidly, with the interference patters being erased and forgotten.  When The Peruvian Chair opened, after a gracious breakfast at The Forklift, I was able to catch first tracks out on Lower Baldy, where I bagged Eye Of The Needle with first tracks and a perfectly smooth line top to bottom.  I have not hit that line for years as it is rarelyever that perfect and there was no one there. I had to lap that traverse numerous times to get the maximum benefit of the free refills that were offered up all day.  These are my kind of powder days, where it is un tracked every time you hit the line.  With the wind pumping and snow falling out ahead of the approaching front, you have to know the top of the mountain is getting primed for massive excellence.  Yesterday’s wind lines on Upper Silver Fox were just the warm up for what is to come.  All the rumble- GONE- All the interference patterns- Gone!!  Nothing but smooth.  Here is a shot I got of the Sun lighting up the Valley with only the high peaks getting the weather.  Presently,the rain is pounding on the skin of The Trailer with persistent intensity, signaling heavy snow up on the hill and this is only the beginning.  With the wind smoothed lines, the overnight accumulation, and the positive looking forecast, I think we are looking at another amazing cycle lining up for us.  My friend Andrew, from New Zealand, rolled into the Forklift after a long flight.  He was trying to time the cycle and I think he nailed it in a big way.  Welcome back Andrew, thanks for bringing the snow.  Be sure to check the Canyon report for restrictions in the AM.    As Joe Man the Snow Man says, ” Don’t Skimp On The Groove Sauce”!!!

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