3-13-12 by dave


The first Tram was a wild one this morning, with very high winds, scoured slopes, and some very firm conditions.    The wind was blowing so hard at your back that it literally launched you down the hill like having a rocket on your back.  Wow, what a ride!!!.  All the stripped snow did not seem to be collecting anywhere, but Anderson’s Hill had a beautiful coating of transported snow that made the entire day worth the time.  The Tram shut down after the first one, and I rode the Peruvian Chair trying to find a consistent line.  There were some nice deposits along the tree lines, but there was some serious glaze in spots as the high winds continued to strip the hill.   Tomorrow look for some more firm conditions to cover the entire hill.  The High North is still offering the dry chalky smoothness, so look for those few lines to mine.   Also, look for what the wind deposited today and during the night for some early rarities.   Here is a shot of upper Silver Fox showing the interference patterns, the thin lines of smooth, but also the thin sections of the upper part of the shot.  There are many faces on the hill right now, so keep an eye out for some of those interesting variations.  I will have more insight as I get a better sense of the hill after the wind work.   I will be there for the first Bucket, see you there.   TA!!

One Response to “SERIOUS BLUSTER”

  1. Kyle Wagstaff says:

    Surf’s up in southern Cal this week, with a lot more “west” in it than there has been for more than a month–probably good news for us in the Wasatch around the weekend. Too bad the sun angles are hitting even the north slopes now. Is anyone setting odds on whether we make it to Memorial Day this season?

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