4-25-24 by dave

It was clear this morning ahead of a storm system that was moving into the Front. The early risers got the goods with some nice corn lines with very little traffic. It was not going to be long till the clouds moved in and darkened the dance floor. The break pattern was consistent with the last couple of days, but as the Sun became covered that timing was skewed.

Perfect “Cornderoy” was on tap this morning with super light traffic.

Tomorrow, look for a very stormy day, with snow in the forecast, difficult visibility and challenging conditions off the prepared lines. Stick with the known smooth and check the grooming report for updates on the day’s prepared lines. This system could bring some significant accumulation, so enjoy this next installment.

Jake and I assessing the options and sussing the timing.

A huge thanks to all my friends who sent their “Day Of” shots to me so I could share them with all of you and give you a more accurate vision of the real conditions. Thanks Mikey M, Diamond Dave, Mark Herath, Kevin Canton, Jake and all the rest who have contributed so greatly to the Site, the energy, and stoke that is brought by the images you share. Keep it tight!!!

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