4-06-14 by dave

The predicted morning clearing did not materialize.  Instead we were greeted with fresh Essence covering the dance floor.  Once again, the accumulation varied depending on aspect, but the Groomers were covered with a couple inches of silky frosting that just was off the scale perfect.  The visibility was the only issue today, but the cloud cover kept the Sun from damaging the snow quality.  Continued flurries during the day kept the softness going despite the light traffic that was working the hill.  Off trail, the old crusty crud was in play, but the medium density product made the ride fairly consistent.   The interference patterns have been reduced to a low amplitude rumble, and a loose approach will absorb the static.  If you are looking for high amplitude interference pattern, nice lines can be found off of the Gad 2 chair, where plenty of nicely spaced bumps are in abundance.  Tomorrow, look for the residual accumulation from today to be offering soft lines wall to wall, with those crusty aspects being mitigated by the extra cushion.  The High North is still good to go with no problems and can be worked with no visibility.  We may be seeing a bit more visibility if the flow drys out, but it will be a great morning of soft snow sliding.  Here is a shot of the borderland check point we passed during a Lewis and Clark sojourn.  Stay Frosty!!DSC02025

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