2-20-10 by dave

I had a great day off. Looking up at the hill early in the AM.  it looked like it was going to be a bluebird day and I was thinking twice of taking the day as overnight snow was on tap for the early risers.  Clouds rolled in as the weather system, that was tracking South, migrated north giving us flurries and quite cold temps even here in the valley.  The overall conditions have not changed today, so I think we can go with what I have posted in the past few days without having to be redundant.  The weather report is on as I write this and it looks as if we might get a few inches in the next while, although anything can happen.  Look for any wind transported snow that might have been spread overnight for the off trail seekers.  The off trail still maintains that low chop factor that just hammers my knees, so I avoid it.  Lots of friends have been taken out with injuries this season, more percentage wise than I can remember.  This fact is another reason for just a touch more caution as the season progresses into the variable stages of late season.  I will be using just a bit more thought before I let it all hang out.  Just a thought.  See you in the AM. Ciao!!

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