12-05-13 by dave

The snow guns were lofting clouds of cold smoke into the sky this morning with a gun over in Alta making it look like there was something burning over there.  It was 15 below Zero as first Tram hit the top and the snow was, once again, very slow, feeling very much like you had the safety break on.  The guns were turning out a very large amounts of snow in these cold temps and the super atomized clouds that formed deposited an ultra dust hundreds of feet from the gun that felt divine.  That finish felt so smooth it had to be appreciated.  With the additional new snow, the Groomed runs are mellowing out, leaving evidence of the old ice layer a very rare encounter.  Off trail the traffic has been working the lines to the point that most of the features are becoming buried or no issue.  The chop has built up a bit off trail, so it will take a bit more attention to deal with the variations.  Tomorrow, look for another cold morning, light traffic, ripping opening smoothness, and plenty of room to stretch out and move.  Here is a shot of another look into Mineral Basin as it begins to shape up and looking tantalizing.  Soon we will be ripping up those full on lines that we now just look at and dream.  See you there for the morning session.  Stay Frosty.  DSC01658

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