4-01-22 by dave

There was smooth cruisin’ on tap this morning as the First Tram hit the dock. Mineral Basin was shining brightly and the Grooming Crew did an amazing job of preparing delightful carpets of AHHHH on all sides of the hill. White Diamonds and a variation on Lower Silver Dipper really kicked off the morning, with a couple of hot laps to get as much as possible before it was discovered. The Front of the hill was offering dry chalky lines that were silky and had plenty of traction. The lower third of the hill was a tad crispy, but tenderizing efforts had been employed and traction was easy and fun.

This was the carpet of AHHHH on White Diamonds on First Tram. It does not get better.

The lower mountain began to break around 1PM, with a sweet sorbet feel on those tenderized lines. What a treat. Tomorrow, look for more amazing groomers, still some soft cold lines on the High North as it still was brisk up high. Be sure to take aspect into account for the morning lines as the direct aspects got cooked late in the day and may be very sketchy in the AM.

Neil met up with Junior and Steve Bounous at the bottom of the Mineral Basin Chair this morning. It is always a treat to talk to Junior.

I’ll be taking the day off, so make some hot laps for me. Remain Standing!!

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