This morning offered smooth cruisin’ on all sides of the hill, with the only issue being which bit of perfect you wanted to choose. Groomers were epic on all sides of the hill, with a dry chalky carpet of velvet top to bottom to start the day. The Peruvian Gulch was offering top to bottom ground pounding vertical, which was a total rush, with untracked corduroy to carve any turn you wanted. In Mineral Basin, the far areas were opened, which offered smooth dry powder lines that were just mid Winter perfect.

The Sun was high, with the cold morning temps keeping the product refrigerated, but it was not long before the rays were working the direct lines, making them become pasty and sticky on the lower elevations on the hill. By 1:30 PM the pack was soft and affected on all aspects. The Road to Provo opened as well, offering smooth lines out there.

Tomorrow, look for more great morning grooming to be the first order of business. The off trail will be variable depending on aspect, with real crusty conditions on any direct aspect that freezes. Traffic should be quite light again, so maximum vertical is easy to rack up. See you there for more Sun and fun. Remain Standing!!!