12-09-14 by dave

It was another balmy day, though those first few runs, before the Sun came up, where a bit brisk.  Once again, the Snow Guns had laid down a nice coating of fresh frosting to give a bit of a velvet feel to those lines.  Light traffic was a plus and back to back trams were easy to make.  I rode the Forklift Chair after 3 runs to let the Sun rise up a bit and get ready for the second session.  On Big Emma, an early morning fresh till had been provided, that made that section of the hill a pleasure to dig into.  Nice touch by the Cat Crew.  I loved it!!!  After breakfast, the Sun came up and things warmed up, with that right hand section of Regulator offering a very nice feel with plenty of tooth to bleed off speed.  I was standing at the top of Big Emma and saw this area of well articulated interference patterns looking interesting in the afternoon sunlight.  DSC02335Notice the nice soft dust covering this line.  Those who were working this section looked like they were having fun, but these patterns make my knees hurt just looking at them.  Adjacent to these patterns was a broad smooth machine worked canvas that had the nice dust on it as well.  Tomorrow, look for more  fast fun on the freshly prepared Groomers.  They are talking about opening Gad 2 this Friday, so that will be a nice event to look forward to exploring.  Be sure to look at the Cat Report so you can be sure to get the inside look at some new lines on the hill.   I went over to West Second South and had a great time dancing down that new section.  Fun stuff.  See you there for the morning fun fest.  Syrup won’t stop ‘ EM!!

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