4-03-22 by dave

Spring was busting out today with bright Sun, warm temps, and perfect corduroy for the opening bell. Mineral Basin was offering the best lines with the Sun helping start an early break. Lewis and Clark was rippin’ with untracked corduroy that let you shave nap with every turn. The front side of the hill was workable, with Upper Primrose Path getting the first industrial smoothing of the season. The pitch was direct, long, and relentless, which really challenged my stamina to keep that entire section driving ahead.

Team Retro, checking out the new Subaru during Subaru Fest. Lots of fun and music on The Plaza.

Today was the last day of the old Tram Cars, and I made a point of riding both colors. It was a very festive day, with music and fun on the Plaza and a lot of energy keeping the spirit alive. Tomorrow, look for the chairs to be the access to the vert. I think the morning should be good, with some wind building as a new impulse moves North of us, but there is some precipitation in the forecast. We’ll see what the morning brings. Dial it up, Dial it in!!!

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