1-28-10 by dave

A blue bird day for Thursday morning had wonderful written all over it.  5” of light density snow had fallen overnight covering every thing in the fresh fluff. The Groomers were epic with some having just a light frost on them and perfect.  The new snow was refracting the Sun light making the fresh surface sparkle like millions of diamonds;  awesome!!  Baldy opened with a fair assortment of conditions.  The wind had affected the North East facing shot with due West facing having the softest product.  As is always the case, it went fast.  Tiger Tail opened today with soft snow in the trees,  though the bumps on the bottom section were large and did not seem to have much of a rhythm.  I was  not going back any time soon.   Do not be fooled, Thunder Bowl is not open so you will have to be working your way back along the double fall line section.  Little Cloud and Powder Paradise have still not opened with lots of work going on and lots of activity apparent every where.  Many shots have pulled out to the very early layers with just the very newest snow filling in the remains.  The Ratchet bumps are wall to wall keeping me moving deliberately through the rumble.   The groomers continue to offer a break from the brutality so all is not lost when you get fatigued.  More Sun tomorrow will keep the visibility strong, but now the Sun angle is becoming a factor in shot selection, changing  as the day progresses.  The groomers will be exceptional again in the morning, necessitating an early start to get the best of the buff.  Don’t be late.

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