I have the Trailer all set up on the winter foundation, ready to begin the season with a bang. The antenna array is pulling down some serious data from the Galactic Federation, and they seem to indicate a great season ahead. My Book, Snowbird Secrets A Guide To Big Mountain Secrets, was launched in it’s E version on all the E vendors. Check out Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0099STSHA and click on the cover art for a peak inside the book. The print version is a few weeks out yet, but will be available through this site, at the shops at Snowbird and the internet vendors. I wrote this book with Jackson Hogen, who is an incredible writer, who really put the shine on the concepts that we present. There are about 50 full color pictures to illustrate the narrative, which helps to develop the global view of the Bird, but these secrets transcend where to find the powder stashes. This is the cover art for the book, which features American Fork Twins with Pipeline as the iconic image that characterizes this amazing place. The new Little Cloud high speed quad is going up quickly and will be a great addition to the hill, providing an important uphill alternative. I will be updating the site more often as we move closer to the season, so stay tuned for continuing posts. I will be going up to the Bird this week to get some up to date shots of the new lift progress. Also, Octoberfest is in full swing every weekend, so be sure to get up there for the festivities. Ciao for now!!
9-18-12 by dave
So exciting to see your book with its excerpts in Amazon.
Although I have a Kindle, Leopardman & I really want a hard copy.
How do we do this?
The hard copy is almost done and will be available at Amazon and Snowbird in the stores. Soon.