Snowbird Secrets Available at Amazon Today

6-26-13 by dave

Snowbird Secrets: A Guide to Big Mountain Skiing by Jackson Hogen and Guru Dave Powers
A Guide to Big Mountain Skiing by Jackson
Hogen and Guru Dave Powers

Snowbird Secrets: A Guide to Big Mountain Skiing is available for you to enjoy right now.

Get it at Amazon today.

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34 Responses to “Snowbird Secrets Available at Amazon Today”

  1. Keep rockin it Dave. You’re an inspiration man.

  2. derek smith says:

    why do we get spring now in the middle of winter? the wasatch and central rockies are due for a big winter.I will start my snow dance now.

  3. trip mitchell says:

    Dave your writing is great while I sit in an office in Salt Lake! Nice picture!

  4. william velmer (the shred) says:

    Dave – the weather line has Big Sky Resort with endless show during the pas t 30 day with only one or two day of clearing. today around 9″ and more and more on the way with temps around 10*F or lower for the Saturday masses. Have to admit the skiing is great- cold, hard and smooth.
    give my regards to the team

  5. william velmer (the shred) says:

    Dave – the weather line has Big Sky Resort with endless snow during the pas t 30 day with only one or two day of clearing. today around 9″ and more and more on the way with temps around 10*F or lower for the Saturday masses. Have to admit the skiing is great- cold, hard and smooth.
    give my regards to the team

  6. dave says:

    Hey Bill, glad you are on the hill and getting the goods. Your name came up the other day and we regaled the days of our times of SIZZLING. Keep the spirit alive up there, as you can SIZZLE anywhere as you know. Get back here one of these days.

  7. Tom and Betty says:

    Hey Billy,

    Get back here boy for a little visit. You are missed, as Dave says. Haven’t seen you since spaghetti and MB at Bedford’s Bear and Buffalo Lodge.

    Whatever Big Sky, there’s only one Bird.

    Snakes Alive!


  8. Chris Thiel says:

    Hey Dave.
    Been a couple of years but will be back.
    Nice pic.
    In summer of 1976 I was on the crew that loaded that area with about a couple of tons of nitro and 1200 holes and blew the shit out of it.
    Everyone else bailed down the hill with Ed Stearn and I was stuck with the job of pulling the det cord. Haha. I was the rookie. So I hiked up the hill to Hidden Peak where Bonar, Loomis and Hoopie were waiting to watch the show. We loaded the area perhaps a bit too much and when the thing blew rocks went over tower 4. Now of course it is so nice and smooth. Hoopie was kind of a dick at the time, but even he was impressed enough to buy drinks for all of us that drilled and loaded what is now part of the big smooth. And we got an extra buck an hour hazard pay plus huge headaches from handling the nitro. Hope all is well brother. See you next year.

  9. Rudy Miick says:

    Hey Dave! Love your post today! Sounds yummy. Just ordered 5 more copies of your book to send to special friends that turned me on to the bird years ago. I watch myself savoring each page.

    Sadly been in the flatlands and sea level since I saw you in the tram line a couple weeks ago. And its okay. I’m looking forward to hearing my buddies comments on your book. Count on quotes being forwarded back to you and Jackson!

    BE well,

  10. […] And he’s written a book about them.Guru Dave Powers has been at Snowbird forever. Maybe longer. He knows every line, every shot. Everybody. If you are lucky, you may get a chance to take a run with The Goo (AKA The Magical Travelling Moustache Show) and enter the vortex, experience the fluffulence, discover all Snowbird has to offer before he goes home to his trailer to check out the planetary array. […]

  11. Pickle says:

    Hay big brother
    The sking looked great from 10,000 feet.
    Good to see you
    Hay every one Dave makes a killer beef stew

  12. Brother Jay says:

    Dave- Great pictures and description of the unfolding season. Take care on the slopes.

  13. Doug Mayor says:

    Hi Dave,
    Great to see you posting the real poop about the snow conditions at the Bird.
    Very gratefully appreciated. May your days be filled with untracked lines.

  14. Whiskey says:

    As a Waterman and apostle of mutiple Dimensions there’s nothing better than throwing a trench behind the fantastic lines of the GOOOO !!! A Man well aware of Hawaiian Huna’s “EFWAG” ENERGY FLOWS WHERE ATTENTION GOES “Serge Kahlihi King” ALOHA MR. POWERS

  15. Whiskey says:

    The Righteous Reverend Goooo served up a Magnificent Sunrise Mass hidden from the non believers in the usual hare hallow confines of the obscure Conifer Cathedral within Mineral. After All sins were forgiven Dave then proceeded to Masterfully calculated our descents as to the minute by minute changing molecular make up of the steep water. Thanks Dave for letting this old Ocean boy tag along n feel the fluidity and PERFECTLY TIMED textures of your morning lines. Thanks to The Goooo I don’t think I saw a soul for the first 3 hours. Pedal to the metal feels so good behind the Gooooo on a open slope!! Mahalo my friend….

  16. Jimmydix says:

    Hay Dave, you talk about Lewis and Clark all the time. Where is this place? I can’t find it on any Snowbird map and I haven’t found anyone that knows where it is. Please enlighten us. Thanks…………

  17. dave says:

    Lewis and Clark is my reference to the Baldy Express area. It brings you to the border of Alta and is on the far reaches of the area. I like to keep it interesting.

  18. Carole Livingston says:

    I skied Deer Valley this date, it’s about my speed these days, the old back giving me real problems and then of course slept in today Fri too late to catch you at the Forklift
    Here’s to next year

  19. Martin and Chris says:

    Thanks Dave

  20. Doug Mayor says:

    Missing probably the best skiing of the season today because of out-of-town commitments. RATS!
    Dave, keep up the excellent snow/runs condition reports and big mountain snow philosophy offerings.

  21. Craig Ramon says:

    What is a Lewis and Clark line?

  22. dave says:

    Lewis and Clark is a reference to the Baldy Chair area that is the gateway to Alta. It is the borderland and always an exploration.

  23. Craig Ramon says:

    Thanks Dave. Love your posts!

  24. Randy says:

    Thanks GU!! May the cycle return in splendor!!

  25. Chris Peterson says:

    I got an email from Dave Fields describing the closures for next spring. If you want it I can forward it on to you. You probably know about it but I think everyone should. Thanks for all your work keeping us updated!

  26. Doug Mayor says:

    Great to read the GU Daily Big Mountain Report.
    Will soon be enjoying weekdays’ frozen offerings.
    Do you still possess hard copies of your Big Mountain Book? Christmastime/Holidays will soon arrive and these make enlightening gifts.
    See you soon.

  27. Allene says:

    There was an obit for tony deMarco in Deseret news today and I wondered if you wanted to mention his passing.

  28. curtis kreutzberg says:

    Speakin’ about Tony, anyone see Will this year?

  29. Pickle says:

    Hi Davie you rascal great picks, see I do look now and again.
    I wish my knee would let me ski at your stomping grounds.

  30. Deristotle says:

    Hey goo, I seriously admire your stoke. I’m a surfer at heart, but these powder mountain waves keep me content on a snowboard. What do I gotta do to take a tour around the bird with you???

  31. The Chef says:


    How can we bring the Sizzle Team back for a reunion dinner?

    To all original members I believe that the first stickers we applied to goggles in 1976? The forty year reunion needs to take place. Perhaps March is a good month to plan this occasion.
    Let’s put our thoughts into this.

  32. thiel says:

    Was not that good. Crowds. Interference patterns. Low viz. Needed about another two feet. As my friends on the patrol heartily agreed with. Few good spots for sure. But not prime time.

  33. Craig says:

    Funny photo bombing shot.

  34. Lori Gibbs says:

    Missing the LCC Family.. RIP Fitz. Cardiff By The Sea waves 4 to 9 today. Guru Dave , love the updates from home. Powder, love , friends..

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