4-29-11 by dave

The continued installments of Essence have finally pushed us over the RECORD for accumulation this year; this from the head of marketing. I talked to one of the Avalanche forecasters yesterday, who told me that we had exceeded the water content record, but now we have gone past the total record.  And with the super accumulation, the hill has been SNOWTOXED, where all the wrinkles have been taken out by the relentless deliveries.  Yea!!!  I think back to the beginning of the season, when hopes were high, and now to see the fruition of the corporate visualizations, it is stunning to actually see and experience the results.  The overnight accumulation had a high density, which was cold enough to help cushion the crustiness underneath, and resist being heavy.  As anticipated, the High North was offering the deepest accumulation, as the wind was pushing the product continually into the bowls.  The West facing was getting a bit scoured, though it was still holding some of the freshness.  The visibility was variable, with some glimmers of Sun poking through to reveal the untouched lines.  This pattern is predicted to continue into tomorrow, so today’s traffic will have worked the fresh cover into the crust layer, thus preparing it for any additional Essential Deposits.  There is a low amplitude rumble being developed by the unusual traffic, so expect to be jostled by the interference, but it is not as problematic as it could be.  There are still some residual frozen chunks lying about, particularly below the Cat Tracks, so be cognizant of those especially in bad visibility.  Tomorrow, will be another great day, as the cold temps, continued accumulation, and lack of Sun damage will insure a winter like experience for the most part.  I will see you Sunday.  Ciao!!!

One Response to “SNOWTOX”

  1. Kyle Wagstaff says:

    Just imagine if The Event (early January) had actually deposited snow instead of rain–we’d probably be another 30″ into the record books by now. I’d be looking for a spectacular wildflower year in the mountains in July, followed by incredible fall color from the snowpack–so this gift is going to keep on giving for months after the snow disappears.

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