2-09-12 by dave

   I got back to the Trailer yesterday to find the Hyperdimensional Modulation Damper had been fried, and with it my Internet connection, so I was unable to post yesterday.  Today,  I had to find another way to post, so I am using a Subspace Terminal to get through on the Impulse Beam.  Yesterday, like today, offered some fresh snow, which continued all day long, improving the ride as the day prgressed.  The visibility was marginal overall, but staying near the trees captured that reflected light, making the definition better.   The Grooming work was very consistent, and with the fresh covering, made the morning session feel like a very soft ride, with some of the best untracked I can remember.  It did not matter that it was only a half inch deep.   Off trail did not soften too  much, leaving a very bouncy ride, especially with such obscure visibility.  I was surprised may times by features I never saw coming, so I  made a commitment to the smooth and reliable lines.   Tomorrow, look for clearing skies and sunshine, with continued softness with the additional accumulation that is falling this late in the afternoon.  With luck, the Cosmic interface will be repaired tomorrow, so I will be able to get more detailed information without the Subspace Static.  Watch for Black Ice inthe Canyon in the AM.  See you for the first Boat.   IBBY!!   END TRANSMISSION

2 Responses to “SOFT RIDE”

  1. Fosheezy5 says:

    Hows the long range forecast looking now??

  2. Carole Livingston says:

    Got sick, only skiied the Tues aft soft and smooth groom and loved looking out window of IB at the snow falling gently. There’s always next year

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