4-08-13 by dave

Rain was pounding on the Trailer as I woke up this morning, signaling the arrival of the anticipated storm  The rain turned to snow at the 7000′ level, and there was fully 4 to 5 ” of very high density frosting on the hill.  The first runs in the un tracked were really fun, as the turns were like frosting a cake with a paper knife.  As the groomers got tracked out, the variability issues cropped up in a big way.  I went in “search of”DSC01416 off trail, but the frozen bottom features were in play, mitigated marginally by the fresh installment.  I am still reticent to push the limit too far, so as not to expose my shoulder to further injury by a inadvertent slam to the mat, so I went back to the known smooth.  The precipitation kept coming all day long and built up, but I bailed to avoid the extreme variability and leave it to other folks to trowel the Spackle.  A solid 8” fell during the day, but it is still raining hard here at the Trailer as I write this, so expect more accumulation.  There is an extreme wind event predicted to deliver heavy velocity out of the East over night, so we can expect the snow pack to be seriously affected by the wind. Also expect issues with the Tram if the wind holds up into the operating hours.   The combination of the density of the snow and the wind will offer some interesting technical challenges, especially on the open slopes, so look to the trees to offer some respite from the slabby issues.  Here is another shot of the Wind Wave I took the other day, with this Macker unloading on the open slope.  See you in the AM.   IBBY!!

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