5-21-17 by dave

I thought for sure the stormy weather would have held off till later in the day….. But NO!  It was raining buckets here at The Trailer when I started to get ready to roll, so I went back to the rack to sleep in a bit more.  Up on the hill, heavy wet snow was falling with stout wind on the peak.  Reports coming down were still enthusiastic with the freshness, but the quality fell off rapidly toward the bottom.  Here is a shot of Pipeline looking fat and fun in the high elevations, taken from the Road to Provo.  The weather is predicted to warm up this week, but there is still plenty of cover and the Holiday weekend will be another fun time.  I will be returning to the Dark Matter Wars once again, but I will get back for the festivities.  Be well, party on and remember…… Sryup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!

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