3-23-12 by dave

A front moving into the area signaled it’s approach with an increasing South breeze.  Mineral Basin was the first call, as it had the Sun working the snow pack from the earliest rays.   There were some beautifully carvelicious lines out there, with the Baldy Express offering the total private resort feel for the first hour.  The front of the hill had been tenderized, but there was still some residual dry chalk on the Peruvian side that only got crispy at the last 400′ of vertical.  That short distance was doable given the Cat work, but the kitty litter made any kind of edge set dubious as it felt like edging on golf balls.  The snow pack warmed up, offering some velvety, sumptuous, spring like feel top to bottom, but the direct High North exposures still hold the dry cold snow in the shadows.  Consideration still has to be given to the exposed aspects, as subtle shifts in degree can make a huge difference in just a few feet.  Tomorrow, look for some overcast skies ahead of the the inpulse, but continued warm temps due to the South wind.  Things will again soften up, but it might not be helped by direct Sun.  The interference patterns have really risen in amplitude, but the big shots are still low amplitude by and large.    Just check out  the lines ahead of time to avoid any unanticipated rumble.   We are experiencing a real Spring time pattern, so use your judgement on arrival, knowing that the tenderization efforts only offer scant edge grab in some instances, and a later arrival will put you in the snow cone zone.   Here is a shot of Regulator buffed and looking good, but it will be crispy for sure at the opening bell.   Peace Out!


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