2-07-13 by dave


It was a clear and cold morning with the South wind just beginning to get going.  The Mineral Basin Groomers were very nice and the wide open spaces made full on slicing and dicing a recipe for fun.  The front of the hill also offered great buffage top to bottom, and the corduroy was just sweet and DSC01266consistent.  Lower Primrose Path got the nod once again, with smooth buff that just got better with each run. Here is a shot of the excellence just to give and idea of how cush it really was.  The off trail is still fairly well worked and the wind did not get enough juice behind it to begin filling many lines, however, later in the day the South wind did pick up briskly and began to start filling the guts of the main North facing section. Tomorrow, look for overnight wind to have filled some lines, the Cat Crew to have buffed out the goods on the main runs, and the visibility to be dubious if the storm sends a deck out ahead of the arrival.  We will just have to wait and see.  In any event, we are in for some days of accumulation, so any cushion will be more than welcome.  See you for those first runs of corduroy buff.   Peace Out!!

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