2-06-11 by dave

The Powder Dove said that today was a “Spectacular Day”, and I would have to agree fully with that assessment.  Despite the marginal visibility issues, the new overnight snow added to the snow pack, giving the faithful a full dose of scrumptulecent sweetness.  You had to be looking for the wind lines of accumulation, because they wold be interspersed with some very crusty exposures.  Overall the ride could be trusted.  On one of the high West facing aspects, I found some of the iciest bare glaze imaginable, which 250′ lower turned into the most sumptuous frosting imaginable.  High contrast to be sure, but it made that run so memorable.  Tomorrow, look for continued excellence, as the new snow gets worked in by the traffic and the machines.  Don’t forget to look for the wind to have played a part in the grooming effort, and that is always a huge bonus!!!  Still be cautions of the some of the high due West exposures, which sport some very radical consistency transitions.   I found them to be fun, but holding some significant surprises here and there.  Remember the previously scoured sections along the Upper Cirque, and some of the other  steep entrances that had been scraped to the rocks.  They are covered  now, so just know that they are there.  See you in the AM.   Peace Out!!

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