4-07-11 by dave

Another major  Wall of Voodoo is marching across the Valley as I write this, bringing with it the first of the next installments for the hill.  This morning, the light was passable, with the Groomers offering 3 large lower mountain drops, which kept me busy all morning and well into the afternoon.  The intermittent snowfall, combined with strong winds, began to improve the conditions markedly, first by smoothing the dance floor, and second by delivering the medium density product that will bind to and cushion the crusty layer that has developed.  There is a Junior Free Ride event being set up on Silver Fox, so that area will be out of play, but other exposures are developing nicely.  The Blast of Winter will only improve the over all conditions, but rest assured that the faithful are paying attention, and will be on hand for tomorrow’s opening.  Surprisingly, the off trial was improving quickly, with the High North benefiting the most from the prevailing wind direction.  The far reaches were also getting deeper, as the traffic ignored those shots due to the marginal visibility.  Remember that the old crusty layer is still holding some real surprises, so approach most shots with a bit of caution in order to avoid a Body Slam!!!  In my several ventures off trail today, I was quickly reminded of the sketchy nature of the substrate.  Check the road access in the AM. for possible restrictions. See you there dark and early!!!   Ciao!

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