3-22-12 by dave

There was just a touch of crispness in the air this morning and a very light turn out for the morning session.  As anticipated, the front side of the hill  held some ripping groomers in Peruvian Gulch, with Gad valley still very crispy after yesterday’s warm up.  Extensive tenderizing efforts made the grip much better, because there is still some cold snow close to the surface that mixes into the mat.   Regulator was very firm, so those early morning Trams demand a bit of reckoning to avoid a glaze ride.   Mineral Basin was getting the Sun early, which invites the early risers to get the goods before they get worked.  I took advantage of the low traffic, and velvet groomers on the Peruvian side to fly my wings.   I got 5 ground pounding runs before the folks showed up and forced me to put them back in the Hanger.  I had some serious fun flying the fall line.   Tomorrow, look for another warm one, so you can plan on an early start, or wait a while for the Sun to do the softening.  I always want the entire day, so I will be working the Wings again in the AM.   I did miss my laps in Mineral Basin, as it is relaxed, perfect, vacant of traffic that makes it seem like a private resort.  The hill is still offering a lot of great lines, it just takes a bit of looking.     Here is a shot of the Wings in full throttle mode.



2 Responses to “SPRING FEEL”

  1. V says:

    What are those wings Dave? And what do they do? I’m curious!

  2. dave says:

    The Wings are aerodynamic foils which create lift and power in the hand. I use them instead of poles in select conditions where I can attain ludicrous speed.

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