5-05-13 by dave

DSC01492As anticipated, there was not overnight freeze, which left the hill firm but very edge-able top to bottom.   Mineral Basin was the go to area for the first runs, as the Groomers had been smoothed nicely, with sugary granular sweetness to carve on.  As it got tracked out, it became a bit lumpy, but those early runs were worth the price of admission.   The front of the hill also was good to go, and was smooth and free of ruts and cookies, letting you hold the line with wild abandon.  Nice!!!  The Gad side of the hill was a bit firmer, but broke quickly and offered great lines.  As the morning wore on, the off trail got soft enough to begin offering lines all over.  There were interference patterns developing some serious amplitude with the heavy traffic that was drawn to these favorite lines.  Overall, however, the hill is fairly smooth and the rumble is minimal.   There was a great spring fever bringing out the flair in attire that was fun and energetic.  Here are two shots of a couple celebrating the MayDSC01491 5th holiday, and my good friends who were celebrating their anniversary in the attire they wore when they were married on the Hidden Peak years ago.  Congrats guys.  Tomorrow, look for some overcast weather as the low pressure begins to work back into the Front.  We will have to see what happens with the visibility issues, but sticking to the Groomers will be the favored morning runs.  Coverage is still excellent over the entire hill. The Chickadee Chair will be closed for the season beginning tomorrow, so plan on parking in the main lot to avoid this closure.   I will see you for the first Bucket.  Stay Frosty!!

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