It poured all night as it pounded thunderously on the Trailer, which lulled me to a nice deep sleep. On the hill a fresh installment of high density product was delivered, and the faithful were on deck to partake of this spring frosting. Frosting is the operative word here, as the high density cushioned the ride, though the bottom was certainly in play, but there was great snow up high and the turns were fun for all. The lower third of the mountain had thickened up to the point that the turns needed to be methodical and deliberate, especially as it got worked over. I did not follow the crowd, but visited Gad 2 to take a look at the deep trees to see how the lines were feeling. The interference patterns are still in high relief, but the cushion helped moderate the difficulty factor, and I had a nice time looking around at the deep greenery. What a treat to have this high density installment to add to the base. Tomorrow, look for the off trail to have set up significantly as things thickened up top to bottom as the day progressed. The groomers will be much improved, with the added material to work, so look for those favorite lines to be fun and ripping. The Sun should be making the day another warm one, so get to the lines before the warmth puts the hurt on the quality. It is looking like more snow in the near future, so get ready for a nice cycle. Here is a shot that shows the evidence of the beginnings of the Essence returning to the BIG CYCLE to move around the World in preparation for next season. I think these Icicles might be jumping the gun a bit. IBBY!!
4-02-13 by dave