12-13-10 by dave

I was engaged all day in a deep briefing on calibrating the hyperspace coordinate grid.  As in STAR WARS, it is a bad thing to come blasting out of a Worm Hole into an asteroid belt, so I paid close attention.  On the hill today, I was close on my prognostications about the Sun damage, where the aspects needed to be considered after  yesterday’s warming event.  The warmth continues, and will continue for the next day or so with  the high overcast  making the lighting a bit on the flat side.  This abrupt change highlights the sharp contrast of the previously sumptuous ride with the more difficult Sun damaged product.  Tomorrow look for continued high clouds to obscure the Sun as the next system approaches later in the week.   The “CHEF” has weighed in on today, reporting some fun to be had on the sheltered North West exposures, and still  smooth turning on the due North aspects as well.  Mineral Basin did sustain some damage to the perfection that has held up for this entire early season.  We are escaping the severe weather drama that is happening in other parts of the country, where sub Zero temps and snow, where they don’t need it, stress the holiday ramp up.  Of course, we can use it here, but our turn will come.  I will be looking for some rocking Groomers in the AM. to get the vibe up to full charge after today’s  serious Down Load.  Look for light traffic to continue before the holiday vacations begin, so be sure to take advantage of these great days!!!   See you dark and early.  CIAO!!!   PS.  Here is a shot of the valley from the peak.  From this vantage point  all problems seem as small as the houses, cars, and happenings going on down there.  Just a thought!


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