Spring Taking Command

4-18-09 by dave

Spring time has been held at bay for an incredible length of time, but there is no stopping the the inevitable march of time.  This week promises to give us a serious dose of high intensity sun, so we can look forward to a nice corn cycle, which can be another kind of perfect.   The morning sessions are most likely to be crusty and firm until softening occurs, but I like the quiet attendance and ground pounding speed.  Snowbird offers so many faces that softening events can be chased around the hill for hours as the sun takes effect.  Mineral, obviously, sees the first direct shot of warming so that is my favorite choice on such days.  I think the Peruvian side is still going to sport soft snow on the groomers down to 9000′ , but care will be needed for the lower aspects.  The forecast warmth will, perhaps, accelerate the softening on the Western exposures, so just keep an eye on the options and maybe do a recon run… somebody has to… and report!  We always appreciate a good tip… all for one!   It looked like, from the trailer, that the visibility was touchy during the AM. , but I feel certain that tomorrow will be stellar.  See you on first bucket!!!

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