4-21-17 by dave

An extra 8 to 10 inches of beautiful Winter Essence covered the hill and the Faithful were in full attendance for the occasion.  The hill opened in sections as it will on such days and it was a treat to be able to get some of the rope drops I have missed all season. The high density of the product cushioned the ride, and made all the off trail lines I hit sweet and mid Winter smooth.  While the density was high, the snow was cold and dry top to bottom.  Most of the Traffic was focused on the Gad side of the hill while the Peruvian side was being controlled, so when the openings happened, it seemed as if I had the lines all to myself.  News traveled fast and the goods got worked quickly, but there were plenty of side stashes to squeeze out a few extra un tracked lines.  Visibility was variable, but there was some clearing trying to break through.  Here is a shot of the mouth of the Canyon with some low clouds swirling in the clear spot.  Tomorrow, look for a blue bird day as High Pressure is moving in and the temps. will be rising.  There will be soft snow all over the hill, but there may be some Sun affected lines.  Mineral Basin will be the place to start out, as the Sun will be working those aspects and will render them very manky quickly. The front of the hill will offer prepared lines as well, but I think there will still be enough off trail to discover during the early hours.  Traffic should be quite heavy as there is a special on lift tickets that The Bird is offering.  I will be taking the day off to get ready for the week.  As a parting shot here is Mikey M’s son Michael who is well on his way to getting the hang of the big mountain experience. It won’t be long until he is telling his Dad to keep up, and Mikey M rips it.  As Joe Man The Snow Man says, ” Don’t Skimp On The Groove Sauce”!!

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