More of the Essence had stacked up overnight, leaving the main run open covered with delightfully fluffulescent product for the morning crew. Very light traffic kept the quality very nice all morning long. I ventured of the packed section of the lower mountain to taste some of the deeper untracked, where I found soft consistent lines that did not reflect the bottom at all. There were some shrubberies sticking up through the new installment, but I just blazed right through them. Snow was falling hard all day with waves of intensity that made the visibility get a bit shaky, but over all the visibility was good. The hard packed layer was still there, but with the new snow, it was really of no consequence. More of the crew showed up today and it was great catching up on all the Summer activities everyone had been doing. It is like a going back to school type of feel. I left early again to get ahead of the road conditions that were deteriorating with the intense snowfall. Luckily, I got fresh new snow tires, which made for a more sure footed drive down in the greasy conditions. Here is a piece of art I did over the Summer when I was going crazy with paint. Tomorrow, look for more snow to have fallen overnight with continuing flurries during the day off and on. The snow is really stacking up and it won’t be long till we get a bit more terrain to ply. It is still snowing hard here at the Trailer as I write this, and the season is off to a fine start, much as I had expected despite the warm fall and dry weather. I knew it was going to turn. And, as The Chef always says, ” Don’t underestimate the Promise Of The Wasatch”. Sage words for one who has been here since before the beginning. Speed Safely!!
11-28-16 by dave